Writing Data
Update Queries

Update Queries

The examples use the following schema:

generator client {
    provider = "cargo prisma"
    output = "src/prisma.rs"
model Post {
    id        String   @id @default(cuid())
    createdAt DateTime @default(now())
    updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
    published Boolean
    title     String
    content   String?
    desc      String?
    comments Comment[]
model Comment {
    id        String   @id @default(cuid())
    createdAt DateTime @default(now())
    content   String
    post   Post   @relation(fields: [postID], references: [id])
    postID String


update accepts a single unique filter and a Vec of updates to apply, returning the data of the updated record.

The following example finds and updates an existing post, with the resulting post data being returned.

use prisma::post;
let updated_post: post::Data = client
        post::id::equals("id".to_string()), // Unique filter
        vec![post::title::set("new title".to_string())] // Vec of updates

Update Unchecked

Available since v0.6.7

update_unchecked is similar to update but only allows setting scalar fields using UncheckedSetParam.

use prisma::{comment, post};
let comment: comment::Data = client
        comment::id::equals("some comment id".to_string()),
        vec![comment::post_id::set("some post id".to_string())]

Update Many

update_many accepts a Vec of filters (not just unique filters), and a Vec of updates to apply to all records found. It returns the number of records updated.

The following example finds and updates a set of posts. The number of updated records is returned.

use prisma::post;
let updated_posts_count: i64 = client
        vec![post::id::contains("id".to_string())], // Vec of filters
        vec![post::content::set("new content".to_string())] // Updates to be applied to each record

Updating Relations

Using connect and disconnect, relations can be modified inside update queries.

IMPORTANT: Updating a relation this way with update_many will cause the query to always return an error. To avoid this, set the relation's scalar fields directly. An effort to create stricter types to avoid this is being tracked.

Single Record

The following example find a comment and disconnects the post that it is related to.

use prisma::{comment, post};
let updated_comment: comment::Data = client

Many Records

The following example finds all comments on a post and updates the post they are linked to, but does so by modifying the relation column directly.

use prisma::{comment, post};
let updated_comments_count: i64 = client